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The Front Porch Blog

Education on all things homeownership

7 Reasons to Buy a Home Now

May 20, 2024
If you’ve been putting off buying a home recently, you aren’t alone.   With high inflation...

The Power of Refinancing

May 08, 2024
With the conversation around interest rates today, it’s easy to see why. Though some homebuyers are holding...

Buying a Home Together

February 14, 2020
Moving in together is a big step in any adult relationship, but buying a home together comes with a whole new set of...

New Decade, New Design Trends

January 23, 2020
If you’re looking to tackle a new project in 2020, look no further than your own home. The new decade is a...

12 Days of Savings

December 02, 2019
From family meals, travel, gifts, and social outings, the holidays are one of the most expensive times of the year....